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We are so glad and honoured that you visited our website; we cannot wait to meet you in person! Meanwhile, we hope the information provided below answers all the questions you may have.
Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He came to the world purposely to save sinners according to the scriptures. He has existed throughout eternity, one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. He is the Son, the only begotten Son of God and the beloved of God. His coming to the world had been foretold before He ever came in the flesh to die for us. He was born by Virgin Mary, conceived of the Holy Spirit, without sin. He lived a perfect life, preached the gospel of the kingdom of God, performed miracles, healed the sick and raised the dead. He voluntarily surrendered his life to his enemies to be crucified. He then resurrected, and ascended to heaven to become our high priest. Jesus Christ will return to establish the kingdom of God on earth, and rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords with His saints forever. Matthew 17:15-17; John 1:1-14; Acts 2:32-33; Hebrews 4:14-15; Revelation 1:13:16
Dominion Sanctuary, Dartmouth is a parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). An inclusive community for people of all race, called to impact our community, our nation and our world.
We love God passionately, we love people unconditionally and we live life purposefully seeking to make heaven our home and to take as many people with us. Therefore, we continue to pursue holiness as a lifestyle until every nation, community, family and individual is reached for our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has a vision to spread the Word of God to the ends of the earth. It is a Bible believing church, where the teaching and a missionary approach emphasize the proper conduct and moral behavior of people. The church has an appeal to all types of people worldwide, with a determination to teach people in their various geographical areas, stages of secular life and levels of spiritual development. The General Overseer of the church is Pastor E.A. Adeboye.
Our Sunday services run from 10-10:45am. We also have Bible Study from on Wednesdays and PrayerMeeting on Fridays.
At Dominion Sanctuary, we welcome you as you are! People dress in a variety of ways – casual, professional, traditional.
At Dominion Sanctuary, Dartmouth we have dedicated children teachers who will look after your kids. We also have a robust Teen’s department where your Teenagers can be engaged.
The scripture says, “Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” If you would like to know Christ, all you have to do is receive the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ by saying a prayer of salvation. Pray this aloud: “Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins. Come into my heart. Wash me clean. I make you my Lord and Savior, Amen.” We believe that if you prayed that simple prayer, you have been born again. You are starting with a clean slate, and you have entered into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Keep God first place in your life. Learn to pray; prayer is simply talking to God like you would talk to a friend. Mark today’s date, write it down in your Bible – this is the day of new beginnings in your life!